Wednesday, June 15, 2011

T Minus 10 Days

Less than two weeks until I leave!! I really can't believe how close it's getting, and the excitement is definitely building. I got suitcases down from the attic yesterday to begin the large task known as packing, and it's an overwhelming job to be certain :) There are now bags laying open on my bedroom floor, filling up with things as I think of them. I'm planning to get to the job of organizing everything later!

I got my itinerary for my flights in the mail yesterday too. I'll post it down below so you can be praying for the specific times when I'm traveling. It's going to be an exhausting trip, and I'm hoping I can make it to the other side ready to do jump right in to our work there.

As of Monday, my deadline, I had raised all but $300 of my support. I was not only floored by what God had done with a seemingly impossible goal, but just in a serious reflection on what his purpose for me is this summer. I was at a point a few months ago where I was asking God why he had gotten me all excited for this trip and all set up if I wasn't even going to receive the support I needed. Turns out He had it all planned from the beginning, because here I am ten days away from departure. It's a lesson we seem to never learn, that God has things planned perfectly, we just have to wait and trust in Him.

I have to share in front of my church on Sunday about my trip, so if you could be praying that goes smoothly, I would really appreciate it! I want to share a verse with you that I found this morning, I think it really sums up what He's been trying to show me.
Proverbs 2:6-9 ” For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him. Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the right way to go.” (NLT)
Something to think about for sure! Hope you all have a great rest of your week, and I'll update again when I'm in the airport to leave! Thanks for all your prayers and support :)

P.S. When reading posts or my itinerary, don't forget that the Philippines is exactly 12 hours ahead of us :)

Saturday, June 25th

Depart PHL at 9:20 AM and arrive in Detroit, MI (DTW) at 11:10 AM
Depart DTW at 3:50 PM and arrive in Nagoya, Japan at 5:55 PM (In Eastern time it would be 5:55 AM)
Depart Nagoya, Japan at  7:40 PM (7:40 AM) and arrive in Manila, Philippines at 10:35 PM

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome Hannah! Can't wait to hear updates!!!
