Tuesday, May 31, 2011

T-Minus 25 Days

Hey Everyone! Welcome to my trip blog! Here is where I will be posting any information for you guys to be praying in the days leading up to my departure, and then hopefully daily updates while I am in the Philippines. I thought it would be really cool if you guys could read what we're doing each day, it will be like living it with me :)

You might be wondering where the web address for my blog came from. In a nutshell, after a lot of time thinking, I decided to find out the distance between Quakertown, Pennsylvania and Manila, the capital of the Philippines. The answer: 8501 miles. The direction? North. Now you understand where the title came from and what it means!

I'll be updating a few times before I leave, just with some basic information once I get my itinerary and I find out the exact location I will be serving. Thanks for all your prayers and support, it's very much appreciated. I came from being on the verge of having to cancel my trip to being 3 weeks and $450 away from leaving. God truly is amazing!!

Any questions feel free to email me at hisbeloved2011@gmail.com

P.S. If you would like to receive email alerts when I update my blog, just type your email address into the white bar underneath the title and click submit! Thanks!

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